Thursday, March 29, 2007

Favorite Lines

It was really tough for me to choose my favorite lines. I've read so much now that I can't remember what struck me or where it was in the book. But, Orpheus and Hyacinth were a little fresher in my mind, so I actually chose two, which may not even be my favorites. But they're good.

After Hyacinth gets hit by the discus that Phoebus throws, Phoebus says
"You've lost the flower of your youth...
It's my right hand that has inscribed
your end: I am the author of your death.
And yet, what crime is mine? Can play, can sport
be blamed? Can having loved be called a fault?"
Poor Phoebus - he's accidentally just killed the boy he loves. It really is quite tragic, as are the deaths of all young people. They were just out having some fun together on a beautiful spring day, but then it had to end so badly.

The other quote I like is from the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. It's describing after Orpheus sings his song when he is trying to get his wife back from the underworld.
"Tantalus no longer tried to catch the fleeing waves;
Ixion's wheel stood still - entranced, amazed;
the vulture did not prey on Tityus' liver;
the Danaids left their urns; and Sisyphus,
you sat upon your stone."
His song is so moving that all activity ceases - activities that these "shades" have been sentenced to perpetually carry out for eternity. Pretty incredible. And, the ruler of the underworld actually gives him a chance to take Eurydice back with him, and he fails miserably. Orpheus turns around to look at her too soon, and he loses her a second time. Can you imagine how mad at yourself you would be? Also a pretty sad story, but I like it.

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